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We manufacture a diverse line of data communications products and provide quality services such as project design, installation, and of course, maintenance. From the Technical Support page, you can link to hypertext manuals covering many of our products. Below are links to our product datasheets grouped by category. Most data sheets are available in both .PDF and .HTML format. You can download the latest Adobe ® PDF reader here.

Most product manuals are also available for download directly from the individual data sheets or from this location.

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EtherPath Single Port Serial Server      SCADA Products         LAN/WAN Bridge

IP-6600 Four Port Router      Security and Encryption Products

Categories Frame Relay T1, E1, OC3, DS3, E3
img Multiplexers Remote Access Voice & Data Multiplexers
DSUs LAN Products Converters & Other Products
Modems SCADA Products



202T Modem imgimg A recently designed 202T modem with full Bell 202T compatibility for 4 wire leased lines. This Bell 202 modem was designed using a new DSP chip, this industrial strength RS-232 modem replaces older analog equipment to increase reliability and versatility. Available in rack mount or stand alone powered by various input voltages. An OEM version to embed into your equipment is also available.

D-Series Modem imgimg Commercial, Industrial strength 56K dial-up modem. RS-232 modem V.92 models in external stand alone or rack mount. Powered by AC, 12, 24, 115, or -48 VDC.

SM-56 Security Modem imgimg The SM-56 is an industrial rated high security dial-in/out modem. It is easily configured to meet the new NERC CIP security perimeter dial-in requirements as well as other higher security modem needs. With features such as one-time passwords, AES shared key mode, and logging; it may be used as any other simple modem or configured for high security uses.

V.23 async Modem imgimg 1200 bps V.23 asynchronous 2-wire or 4-wire modem. Stand alone or rack mount. This is the industrial modem built to be reliable in harsh environments. This model is asynchronous only and uses either 2-wire or 4-wire circuits.

V.23 sync/async Modem img 1200 bps V.23 synchronous/asynchronous 4-wire modem. Stand alone or rack mount. This is the industrial modem built to be reliable in harsh environments. This model is asynchronous or synchronous and operates only on 4-wire circuits.

Link1 TADILB modem imgimg 1200 Bps V.23 Link1 TADILB modem. Stand alone or rack mount. This is the reliable modem for your military applications.

LL 9,600 bps Fast Poll Modem imgimg 9.6Kbps Fast Poll point-to-multipoint leased line modem V.29, LCD display. Redesigned in 2001 using the latest DSP chips for superior dynamic range and management capabilities, but still compatible with older Rockwell chipset modems.

LL 9,600 bps V.29 Modem imgimg 9.6Kbps Leased line modem V.29, LCD display. Redesigned in 2001 using the latest DSP chips for superior dynamic range and management capabilities, but still compatible with older Rockwell chipset modems.

img DSUs

DL-56/64 DSU/CSU img Our main-stay 56/64Kbps DSU with V.35 and RS-232 interfaces

DA-56 DSU/CSU imgimg Asynchronous DSU with 56 Kbps network speed and asynchronous DTE speed up to 115.2 Kbps

Loop-T2500 Fractional T-1 Speed DSU / CSU
imgimg Basic to full-featured T1 DSU with 1 port, 64 or 56XNd. Note that this product is discontinued in March 2024. The IP6704A is a current production alternative. The IP6704A DACS version can operate T1 with a variety of DS0 interfaces, similar to the T2500.

Complete Product Index

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EtherPath®, EtherSeries®, EtherPoll®, EtherBridge® and EtherModem® are Registered Trademarks of Data Comm for Business, Inc.