Maxpeed I/O

Note: Ports are not easily configured to run modem control and hardware flow control simultaneously. Two pins on each port may be set for RTS/CTS or DTR/DCD. Both functions can be supported for a port only by "borrowing" the extra two leads from another port!

Maxpeed to mux for hardware flow control

SignalMaxpeed RJ12 DirectionSPL DB25PSR RJ45
RTS 1 ===> 11 3
RxD 2 <=== 3 5
SG 3 ==== 7 4
TxD 5 ===> 2 6
CTS 6 <=== 5 7


Maxpeed to mux for Xon/Xoff w/Device present

SignalMaxpeed RJ12 DirectionSPL DB25PSR RJ45
DTR 1 ===> 4 8
RxD 2 <=== 3 5
SG 3 ==== 7 4
TxD 5 ===> 2 6
DCD 6 <=== 8 2