
Note: Must be set to use hardware flow control. Embedded Xon/Xoff characters in remote node/remote control software data stream will hang system often if software flow control is attempted.

Chatterbox to mux cable

PC DE9P DirectionSR RJ45SPL DB25P Signal
1 <=== 2 8 DCD
2 <=== 5 3 RxD
3 ===> 6 2 TxD
4 ===> 8 4,20 RTS,DTR
5 ==== 4 7 SG
6 <=== 1 6 DSR
7 ===> 3 11 Busy
8 <=== 7 5 CTS
Available from DCB as Remote PC 9 Adaptor, Line Cord, and SPL Port Adaptor