Motorola BitSURFR Setup Notes
For use on single 64k data channel with DCB muxes
or routers
Note: applies to BitSURFR version 1E firmware only!
We recommend dialing remotes from the host.
Any menu item not explicitly mentioned should remain at the current
configuration. All DIP switches on the back of the BitSURFR should be in the
UP position. Configuring the BitSURFR according to these instructions will
disable the "AT" command function. To change any part of the configuration
after saving will require DIP switch 1 on the back of the BitSURFR to be placed
in the down position, the unit powered off, and then back on again. This will
reconfigure the unit back to factory defaults. Be sure to place DIP switch 1 back
- Connect terminal or PC running terminal emulation software to BitSURFR DB25
connector. Terminal must be in VT100 mode. Hyperterm in Windows 95 works
- Type "AT" and press Enter.
- Observe "OK" response on screen from terminal.
- Type "at@MENU" and press Enter. ("MENU" must be in CAPS)
- Menu screen should appear with LOCALMENU HELP highlighted.
- ASCII should also be highlighted. If GRAPHICS is highlighted press Enter.
Choose ASCII with cursor and press Enter.
- Press Space, move cursor to highlight CALL OPTS, press Enter.
- Use cursor keys to highlight B Channel Speed, press Enter, select 64k.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Persistent DTR Dial, press Enter, select Disabled if
remote site - select Enabled if host site.
- Press Space, move cursor to highlight PROTOCOLS, press Enter.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Rate Adaption Protocol, press Enter, select CLEAR.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Bonding Multiplier, press Enter, select 1.
- Press Space, move cursor to highlight NETWORK, press Enter.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Network Switch Type, press Enter, select NI-1 (may
be different, correct switch type usually identified in customer's telco documents)
- Use cursor keys to highlight Data SPID, press Enter, type in complete SPID (ie,
- Use cursor keys to highlight Data Directory Number, press Enter, type in only the
prefix and suffix of SPID (ie, 3597195)
- Press Space, move cursor to highlight STORED NOS, press Enter.
- At the host site only - use cursor keys to highlight Telephone Number 0, press
Enter, type in only the actual dialing number required for the remote TA. Usually this
would be the same as the Directory Number entered in the remote TA, however
Centrex lines may only require 3 or 4 digits to dial to prevent accessing outside lines.
In this case, enter the 4 digit suffix portion of the Directory Number for the remote
unit. Do not try using only 3 digits even if you have 3 digit Centrex, as most TAs
appear to have a problem with dialing only 3 digits.
- Press Space, move cursor to PORT OPTIONS, press Enter.
- Use cursor keys to highlight DCD Pin Option, press Enter, select Normal.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Sync Mode, press Enter, select Sync 2.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Bit Rate, press Enter, select 64k.
- Press Space, move cursor to highlight LOAD/SAVE, press Enter.
- Use cursor keys to highlight Save Total Active Profile, press Enter, select Profile
- Press Space, move cursor to highlight EXIT MENU, press Enter.
- Power down unit, reapply power, watch front panel LEDs for indication of activity
as follows: VS turns solid green and DS turns solid green to show TA is accessing
the telco switch with a valid SPID. CS comes on green to show a connection has
been made with another TA.