Parent document is top of "Data Communications Cabling FAQ"
Previous document is "16.0 Cable Testers for Category 5"
Next document is "18.0 How Far Away Should Cable be Installed from an EMI Source"

17.0 Typical Wiring Layout

    17.1 Wiring Layout

    ......Wiring Closet..............                ....User Work Area....

    Where ...
   HUB = concentrator
   PANEL = RJ-45 Modular Patch Panel

   BLOCK = Telco Splice Block (Typically 25-pair)

   Crossconnect: NorTel BIX1A, AT&T 110 and similar crossconnect 
   blocks accommodate 4-pair, 25-pair or larger cables on the 
   same mount. The same type of mount can be used for the voice 
   field as well as data.
   Telephone-only (66) blocks are seldom used except for 
   low-speed data circuits such as are used for IBM 3270 terminals. 
   The newer types of crossconnect mentioned above cost about the 
   same and accommodates growth much better. (The standard AT&T 110 
   and its BIX equivalent are rated at Cat 5).

   LOBE CABLE = Cable run from user wall plate to wiring closet
   WALL = User area wall face plate
   STATION = User workstation network adapter
   =====>  = RJ-45 connector
   =====+  = Punch down termination (also called an insulation-
      displacement/displacing connector, or IDC).

     17.2 Crossconnect Field Colors
     The color of label used on a crossconnect field identifies the
     field's function. The cabling administration standard (CSA T-528
     & EIA-606) lists the colors and functions as:

   Blue  Horizontal voice cables
   Brown  Interbuilding backbone
   Gray  Second-level backbone
   Green  Network connections & auxiliary circuits
   Orange Demarcation point, telephone cable from Central Office
   Purple  First-level backbone
   Red  Key-type telephone systems
   Silver or
   White  Horizontal data cables, computer & PBX equipment
   Yellow Auxiliary, maintenance & security alarms

Parent document is top of "Data Communications Cabling FAQ"
Previous document is "16.0 Cable Testers for Category 5"
Next document is "18.0 How Far Away Should Cable be Installed from an EMI Source"