PNE-Family Firmware History

This is the firmware revision log for the PNE family Products.


VERSION 1.02 Oct 28, 2021

A new Jitter mode was added. It is called "Random Delay". The operation is similar to Random Jitter, where a random amount of delay is added to the egress of a packet. However, instead of adding the delay to alternating packets, the delay is applied randomly, with a probability of 1/1000. The purpose of this mode is to better simulate sporadic network congestion with streaming data.

A new error generation mode was added. The new mode will corrupt a user selected byte within the Ethernet packet. It can be used to test error detection in higher level protocols. This mode cannot be used to test Ethernet CRC errors though. The PNE hardware calculates the Ethernet CRC on egress, so will be correct for the modified packet.

A flaw with Random Jitter and Sweep jitter was corrected. Successive jitter values were being applied to each packet. They should have been applied to alternating packets in order to truly generate jitter within the specified range.

Updates to the PNE firmware are automatically applied by the customer using the PNE menu.


This is the initial release of the PNE firmware



VERSION 1.01 Feb 13, 2019


This is the initial release of the PNE firmware


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