Which EtherSeries Product Do I Have?

EtherPath, EtherPoll, EtherGate, EtherModbus, EtherDNP3, EtherBridge, etc. They all look similar but have different uses and firmware (the software program that it runs internally).

The first EtherSeries product, the original EtherPath SS-100, was first manufactured in 1997 and we have added many new products to the lineup since then. As technology advanced, we also added incremental improvements in both hardware and firmware while insuring that the newest version of a product still works well alongside the oldest one. When upgrading firmware in any product, be sure to install a version of firmware that is compatible with your hardware version. This page will help determine which version of hardware you are using, and which version of firmware is appropriate for that hardware.

The product name is always located on the serial number label affixed to the bottom of the product. Although the hardware may look to be the same on the outside, attempting to install firmware from one product into another product's hardware, or an incompatible version may result in damage to the hardware. Be sure to check the product name on the bottom of the product.


Most Recent: The "R-series" is the currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a small, black metal box and accepts firmware versions 7.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2007 as our RoHS version. It's official name is the SS-1R. picture
Versions 4.0 through 6.0 were manufactured between 2002 and 2007. It is encased in a larger beige metal box. This model was actually the SS-1, but was often named the SS-100 by resellers and our OEM vendors. picture
Versions 2.0 through 3.5 were manufactured between 2001 and 2002. It is encased in a beige metal. This box has a BNC connector next to the 10BaseT connector. This was often named the SS-100 picture
Versions 1.0 through 1.4 were manufactured between 1997 and 2001. It is encased in a beige metal. This box contains also has a BNC connector next to the 10BaseT connector. There is no way to tell the difference between this version and the Version 2 product from its appearance. The Upgrade program will display the unit's version in the "View PID" function. This was often named the SS-100. picture

EtherPoll / EtherGate

Most Recent: The "R-series" is the currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a small, black metal box and accepts firmware versions 7.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2007 as our RoHS version. It's official name is the EPL-1R. picture
Versions 4.0 through 5.0 were manufactured between 2002 and 2007. It is encased in a larger beige metal box. This model was actually the EPL-1 or EPL-2 (two port version). picture
Versions 1.0 through 3.0 were manufactured between 2001 and 2002. It is encased in a beige metal. This box has a BNC connector next to the 10BaseT connector. picture

Encrypted Two Port EtherPoll

Most Recent: The currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a black metal box and accepts firmware versions 1.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2006. It's official name is the EEP-2. picture

EtherModbus/ EtherDNP3

These products are produced with the same version number sequence.
Most Recent: The "R-series" is the currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a small, black metal box and accepts firmware versions 3.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2007. RS-232/485 serial port version. picture
Most Recent: The "R-series" is the currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a small, black metal box and accepts firmware versions 3.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2007. Isolated RS-485 serial port version. picture
Versions 1.0 through 2.0 were manufactured between 2002 and 2007. It is encased in a larger DIN rail mount box. picture

EtherBridge/EtherBridge 2-port

These products are produced with the same version number sequence. However, there are several special versions of the EtherBridge firmware... which might be used in a specific version of the hardware. The EtherBridge use one of three different versions of firmware... point-to-point, point-to-multi-point, or SCADA versions. The best way to determine what version is in your product is to look at the configuration screens. The sign-on screen displays the name and the configuration summary screen displays the actual firmware version. Due to the way the bridge is used, these different versions of the EtherBridge are incompatible with each other.

Most Recent: The "R-series" is the currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a small, black metal box and accepts firmware versions 4.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2007. RS-232/485 serial port version. picture
Most Recent: The "R-series" is the currently shipping version. This hardware is encased in a small, black metal box and accepts firmware versions 4.0 and higher. This model was introduced in 2007. Isolated RS-485 serial port version. picture
Versions 1.0 through 3.0 were manufactured between 2002 and 2007. It is encased in a larger beige metal box. One port version shown. picture

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EtherPath®, EtherSeries®, EtherPoll®, EtherBridge® and EtherModem® are Registered Trademarks of Data Comm for Business, Inc.