EtherPath-X4 Firmware History

This is the firmware revision log for the EtherPath-X4.



March 16, 2012


This release corrects the following problem:
300 baud did not work correctly for either port 1 or port 2. Selecting 300 baud on either of these ports would result in the Serocco USART locking up and would require the EtherpathX4 be power reset in order to recover.


July 25, 2011

1.0 INTRODUCTION This release corrects the following problems: The transmit-timer mode did not function correctly. Regardless of how the configuration option was set, the unit would always operate in idle-timeout mode. (Note for current customers: This change will change the default behaviour of the unit.) There was a flaw in the timing routines that would cause the transmit-timer/idle-timeout timer to prematurely trigger once every second. This release add the following feature: Partial support for RFC2217, "Telnet Com Port Control", was added. Basic port configuration and the ability to manually control DTR and RTS was added. Break support and active monitoring of modem input signals was not added.


January 8, 2008


New features:

Added support for 600 bps.


VERSION 1.06 December 20, 2007

1.0 INTRODUCTION The snmpd program was fixed to properly support SNMP. New features: You can now enable or disable the SNMP feature from the SNMP menu, as well as from the LAN menu. (Before, the only place to enable/disable SNMP was from the LAN menu only.)


VERSION 1.05 March 29, 2007

Correct a bug that caused the Etherpath port to not finish a print job introduced in version 1.04 New features: The firmware version is now displayed on the web page config summary screen.


VERSION 1.04 March 28, 2007

1.0 INTRODUCTION The Serocco driver async portion was fixed to prevent random transmit FIFO overruns and to fix XON/XOFF flow control.



May 17, 2006


Manufacturing quality assurance test was modified. No customer accessible changes.


May 12, 2006

1.0 INTRODUCTION This release corrects the following bugs:

1. Default route not added to routing table correctly.

2. Serial/telnet setup program was not setting and testing passwords the same way as the web server configuration screen.

3. Changes to telnet setup and SNMP setup were not performed when "Activate Changes" button was used, but would happen when unit was reset. This also slowed down the upload firmware feature.

New features: 1. Serial/telnet setup now display port activity at the end of the "Display Configuration" menu. Serial/telnet setup allows setting a field to blanks or to a an entry that starts with a space by using either "" or " starts with a space". So to reset the Admin menu password field to nothing, the command is 2 ""

2. Autotest now tests the single Ethernet port. Further changes to autotest will be added to autotest in a subsequent release. (This is not customer-accessible.)

March 10, 2006

Version 1.0

Initial public release.

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