DCB-115/115H Wireless Transceiver

This product has reached end of life and is now obsolete. If you have need for a replacement unit, please contact us at 217-897-6600 and we will check for contingency stock. If you were considering it for a new installation, please contact us to discuss alternative products.

  • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
  • Range to 20 Miles
  • 900 MHz (2.4 Ghz available)
  • Asynchronous 1.2 to 57.6 Kbps full duplex, 115.2 Kbps half duplex
  • Point to Point and Point to Multipoint
  • RS-232 Interface



The DCB-115 spread spectrum transceivers provide reliable long range data communications. Using frequency hopping spread technology, Free Wave transceivers are capable of uncompressed data rates of 115.2 Kbps over distances of 20 miles or more. As well as providing long range reliable data links, Free Wave transceivers set up quickly and incur no ongoing fees, unlike cellular and land line communications. Monthly telephone company costs are eliminated.

The DCB-115 transceivers operate point to point or point to multipoint, selectable using any async terminal program. Repeaters may be used to extend the range by programming the DCB-115 to operate as a store and forward unit. With up to two repeaters in a link and external antennas, links of 60 miles and beyond are possible.

Transceivers are assigned unique electronic serial numbers at the factory, providing control of who does and who does not have access to the data. An optional mode allows the transceiver to respond to a set of AT commands. Applications for the DCB series include:






Power, Carrier Detect, Clear to Send


How to Order


DCB-115 Transceiver, 115.2 Kbps wireless 900Mhz $1,250
DCB-115-2.4 Transceiver, 115.2 Kbps wireless 2.4Ghz $1,300

Data Comm for Business Inc.
2949 County Road 1000 E
Dewey, Il 61840
Voice: 217-897-6600
Toll Free: 800-4-DCB-NET
Toll Free: 800-432-2638
Email: Contact Page
Web: www.dcbnet.com
Fax: 217-897-8023
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EtherPath®, EtherSeries®, EtherPoll®, EtherBridge® and EtherModem® are Registered Trademarks of Data Comm for Business, Inc.