SE-6600R Serial Data Encrypter

Encrypts Polling Serial Data Connections Up To 57.6 Kbps - Industrial Rated

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Front View

  • AES 256 bit encryption
  • Industrial rated temperature from -40 to +70 C
  • Two asynchronous serial ports
  • RS232 or RS422/RS485 4-wire
  • RoHS compliant
  • Ports speeds to 57.6 Kbps
  • Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
  • Bypass installation mode enables simple, one-trip setup for multipoint systems
  • Use for polling data
  • Easy to setup and maintain
  • Configuration via serial or ethernet port
  • Use with modems, DSUs, radios
  • Compact size; stand-alone, DIN, or rack mounting
  • AC and DC power supply
  • User name and password option for configuration access
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The SE-6600R is an industrial rated serial data encryption device featuring two serial ports, a device port and a network port. The SE-6600R uses AES 256-bit encryption, 128-bit block size. AES is the US Government standard encryption algorithm.

The SE-6600R provides a secure link between host and remote user sites. The two RS232 serial ports operate at asynchronous speeds as low as 1200 bps and as high as 57.6 Kbps. The SE-6600R serial interface can be RS232, RS422, or RS485 2-wire or 4-wire.

The SE-6600R may be used point-to-point, linking two separate remote sites with radios, leased lines or dial connections, one port used for the connection, the other port for the user equipment. The SE-6600R can also be used on point-to-multipoint links. The SE-6600R is especially attractive for use over multipoint radios where high security is desired.

The SE-6600R has a bypass mode (Block Mode Clear) for use during initial installation. When installing in a large multidrop network, it is desirable to have the remote units not encrypt data until the host unit is installed. This makes the scheduling of installation less critical, as the initial remote installation will not disable the drop if a host unit is not yet in service. The remote unit is temporarily just a bump in the serial cable.

The SE-6600R is straight-forward, easy to configure and maintain. Units are configured via a terminal connection to the serial port, or using the Ethernet port, via telnet or a web browser. The SE-6600R has the features you want without the complexity.

The nature of the encryption protocols used in the product make it suitable for polling or packetized data only. For streaming data, please see the SSE-R, Streaming Serial Encrypter product.

Due to the encryption employed, SE-6600R product is an export controlled item and is regulated by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The SE-6600R is classified as mass market encryption device and may not be exported or shipped for re-export to restricted countries in Country Group E:1. They are readily shippable to most other countries.



Protocol Features





Questions? Phone us toll free at 800-432-2638

Due to the nature of this product,
we prefer that you phone us and discuss your application prior to ordering.

Item Number Description Price Buy Now!
SE-6600R Polling Data Serial Encrypter (5-30VDC and 120 VAC power supply) $435 Qty:
9501033 Optional 36-72 VDC Input Power Supply $ 75 Qty:
9501081 Optional 125 VDC Input Power Supply $ 125 Qty:
9902090 Optional DIN rail mounting clips $ 5 Qty:

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